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Grant Process and Application Form (Version 4 - Jan 2021)                    Download Process and Application Form - PDF - Here

Download Application Form - MS Word - Here  

1. Background

Gretton Solar Farm Limited has promised to provide a fund of about £4,000 per year for the benefit of the community local to the solar farm at Lower Stanley. The fund will be available over the life of the solar farm for 25 years, starting in 2016.

Green Fields Trust is a Charitable Trust which administers the fund and allocates it to organisations, individuals or groups who submit successful applications.

Applications may be submitted at any time. Green Fields Trust will meet at least twice a year to consider recently submitted applications. It is important that the application form is filled in as completely as possible, as applications will be evaluated using only the information on the form.

2. Conditions of funding

a. Eligibility of applicants

  • Applicants must demonstrate a need for financial support.

  • Organisations must be either non-profit making or charitable and not have significant unrestricted reserves.

  • Organisations, individuals or groups may only make one application for a grant in any grant cycle (every six months).

  • Applications for core funding will not be considered.

  • Applications will not normally be considered from national organisations or local groups with access to funds from national ‘umbrella’ or ‘parent’ organisations unless funds are not available from their national bodies or the funds available are inadequate for a specified project.


b. Use or purpose of grant

Green Fields Trust will only award grants where the use or purpose of the grant benefits Alderton, Gretton or Prescott communities. The benefit could include but is not limited (in line with the Trust Deed of the Green Fields Trust) to:

  • Carbon reduction

  • Energy efficiency

  • Renewable local energy generation

  • Biodiversity and wildlife habitat creation

  • Sustainable, local food production

  • Local flood protection

  • Alleviation of fuel poverty

  • Alleviation of food poverty

  • Waste reduction and recycling

  • Local resilience in the form of Transition Movement objectives such as promoting a local economy, food, fuel and transport services.

  • Community awareness raising and education on all of the above

3. How to apply

Applications must be made using the application form. All questions on the application form should be fully answered and additional appropriate information, which supports an application, must be provided in order for the request to be considered.

It is important that the application form is filled in as completely as possible, as applications will be evaluated using only the information on the form.

For more information contact any of the trustees listed on the website at or email

4. Evaluation procedure

A grant request will be considered at the next meeting of the Green Fields Trust following an application deadline. The Trust currently has set two application deadlines each year - 31 March and 30 September, starting 31 March 2018.

Each application will be assessed on its own merits against the conditions of funding and the evaluation criteria listed below. To ensure as fair a distribution as possible of available funds, the group will take into account the balance of the types of other supported projects.

Account may also be taken of the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or fund raising activities. No commitment to award grants in future years will be made.


The Green Fields Trust may make the award of any grant subject to such additional conditions and requirements as it considers appropriate. Applicants will receive notice of the outcome of their application within two weeks of the group meeting.


5. Successful applications

After applicants have received notice in writing of their successful application and any additional conditions and requirements, the grant will be paid by cheque.

Projects which receive grants are required to advise their users/members that a grant has been received from Gretton Solar Farm Limited.

6. Evidence of Implementation

Applicants must provide feedback and receipts to demonstrate how the money has been spent. They must demonstrate that the grant has only be used for the purpose for which it was awarded and within the conditions stipulated. Any unspent portion of the grant must be returned to the fund by the end of the financial year following the year in which it was awarded. Detail of the feedback required will be stated in the notification letter.

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